Storytelling to Kids
Telling spontaneous stories to a captive audience is quite simply, fun! The joy is all the more intensified, when the audience is young children with an active imagination.
I have enjoyed telling tales extemporaneously to my two kids ever since they were five. Every time they say, 'Papa, tell us a story', I would light up. We'd sink into the couch, or plop down on the bed, and a story would take form. " It was an early morning, many years ago, when papa first saw the herd of Dukakis...'
A few years ago, my sister living in Toronto asked me something that I now wished I had done all these years: Could I please record these stories of mine and send it to her, so that she could let her own children listen to it?
Its rough, and un-edited. But it captures the magic of the moment the stories took birth, I'd like to think..
Arrival Story

A Kochi Story

The Store Room

The Amazing Tomato Plant

My first pair of pants

Penguins in my 1st grade

Q and the tire-change day

The man with the beard

The rubber ducky incident

The train ride

The yellow cart

The rogue elephant

The Blokk!

The case of the feet print

The hallway - Part 1

The hallway - Part 2

Q meet Choppers

The cat of my heart

The foundling

The tastiest well water

The yellow-haired girl